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Change Logs:

MJR Tracker Hub Future Updates:

MJR Tracker Hub Change Log:

  • 30/04/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed "Visit Dashboard" being a weird small button on smaller devices such as mobile
    • Added support for the new timeline feature when viewing per job pages

  • 31/10/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added Client v1.0.9.0 to tracker page

  • 11/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added hyperlinks to the question titles on the Support page, to make it easier to reference a guide to help someone
    • Added hyperlinks to the question titles on the FAQ page, to make it easier to reference a guide to help someone
    • Added a new guide for the question of "How do fix the MJR Tracker getting a unavailable resource error when loading?" to the support page

  • 12/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Changed Change Log, FAQ, Support pages to match layout of other pages on the site (I.E have a left side bar on desktop views) this will fix issues with not being able to interact with the left side of these pages

  • 05/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added Client v1.0.8.0 to tracker page

  • 24/01/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Improved the front end code base for easier updates in the future

  • 01/01/2023 > 04/01/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed incorrect links in certain use cases of error page
    • Updated copyright on footer to include 2023

  • 31/12/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed an error happening in the console when interacting with a job row for Global Jobs page
    • Fixed setting a job to Marked as 'Failed to Log as Cancelled' conflicting with Marked as 'Duplicated Job' state type

  • 30/12/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed an error happening in the console when interacting with a job row for Global Jobs page

  • 29/12/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Changed Truck Personal Leaderboards over to a tab based system for the different time frames
    • Improved the size of the Switch Month combo boxes on Truck Personal Leaderboards for better reading of longer month names such as December
    • Added 'Amount of Jobs Per Hour' for Monthly Time Frame to Truck Personal Leaderboards
    • Added 'Amount of Jobs Per Game' for Monthly Time Frame to Truck Personal Leaderboards
    • Added 'ETS 2 & ATS Overall Total Stats' for Monthly Time Frame to Truck Personal Leaderboards
    • Added 'ETS 2 & ATS Overall Avg Stats' for Lifetime Time Frame to Truck Personal Leaderboards
    • Added TBA & TBD key meanings to 'ETS 2 & ATS Overall Avg Stats' & 'ETS 2 & ATS Overall Total Stats' on Truck Personal Leaderboards Monthly & Lifetime sections
    • Added 'ETS 2 & ATS Overall Total Stats' header on Truck Personal Leaderboards Lifetime section
    • Improved side navigation bar styling to be the whole left side of the page with a background color to mark its presence
    • Improved side navigation bar styling to be a cleaner layout without hard border lines
    • Changed side navigation bar to be divided in to sections for better user reading/understanding
    • Marked Bus Global Leaderboards as disabled with a hover text of "Coming Soon" as this page is currently not implemented
    • Added a new page showing all Registered Users with clickable Steam & TruckersMP profile links
    • Added a new page showing all Registered Users to side navigation bar under "List of Users" text
    • Added a new page placeholder to the side navigation bar ready for a "Your Profile" page in the future
    • Fixed footer section on all pages overlapping the side navigation bar
    • Fixed logo/site name section on all pages overlapping the top section
    • Improved the top navigation bar to not be to far over causing issues with smaller screens
    • Changed Bus Personal Leaderboards over to a tab based system for the different time frames
    • Improved the size of the Switch Month combo boxes on Bus Personal Leaderboards for better reading of longer month names such as December
    • Added 'Amount of Jobs Per Hour' for Monthly Time Frame to Bus Personal Leaderboards
    • Added 'ETS 2 Overall Total Stats' for Monthly Time Frame to Bus Personal Leaderboards
    • Added 'ETS 2 Overall Avg Stats' for Lifetime Time Frame to Bus Personal Leaderboards
    • Added 'ETS 2 & ATS Overall Total Stats' header on Bus Personal Leaderboards Lifetime section
    • Updated Personal Leaderboards image on the homepage
    • Updated Dashboard images on the homepage
    • Updated Job Details image on the homepage
    • Updated Discord Integration image on the homepage
    • Changed Truck Global Leaderboards over to a tab based system for the different time frames
    • Added full support to Personal Truck/Bus Leaderboards & Global Truck Leaderboards for year switching(Will need a backend update to function fully)

  • 31/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed hovering on the change log item on the top navbar showing incorrect information
    • Added a new step for the Installing of Tracker so explain to users about the Anti Virus problems, Old Step 3 & 4 have been moved to 4 & 5 to make way for this new step
    • Added a pagination system to All Global Job List for only Truck jobs, per page will show 20 jobs

  • 27/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Changed a bunch of pages to have overflow hidden as some of the graphs/charts caused an overlap, which resulted in a not intended scrolling to the right, mainly happened on smaller screen sizes
    • Improved the viewing of all graphs/charts throughout the website for smaller screen sizes
    • Tweaks to layout of all the CSS files for styling of the websites

  • 26/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Updated 'Marked as 'Failed to Log' option to say 'Marked as 'Failed to Log as Completed' for better user understanding for when editing pending jobs for deletion
    • Added 'Marked as 'Failed to Log as Cancelled' as a option for editing pending jobs for deletion
    • Added Job Type to both Pending Truck & Completed Truck Jobs editing pop up for better user understanding of what job it is

  • 25/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Improved the displaying of the Truck & Bus Personal Leaderboards & Truck Global Leaderboards for smaller screen sizes
    • Added a new magnifying glass icon to all 'View' job buttons on All Personal & Global Truck Jobs Lists
    • Improved the displaying of the 'View' job buttons on All Personal & Global Truck Jobs Lists for smaller screen sizes
    • Added TruckersMP & Steam profile viewing buttons to the users navigation dropdown
    • Improved the user navigation dropdown design to include more headers
    • Added a new magnifying glass icon to all 'View' job buttons on Truck & Bus Dashboards
    • Improved the displaying of the 'View' job buttons on Truck & Bus Dashboards for smaller screen sizes

  • 23/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Improved the displaying of the stats bubbles on homepage, dashboards, personal & global leaderboards when a large number is displaying

  • 17/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Improved the smaller screen size support for the homepage Feature Compatibility table
    • Improved the smaller screen size support for the viewing of per job details

  • 07/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Updated Logo to use MJR Icon to match other areas of the platform
    • Improved the mobile support for the logo & its name for smaller screen sizes

  • 06/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Changed DBus Logo on homepage/bus dashboard & bus job view to a local copy due to problems with Cloudflare checks of official sites logo link
    • Updated 24/7 Support, Full Change Logs, & Steam Login/Authorization icons on homepage to correct icons
    • Fixed a few issues with mobile view on homepage for the feature cards

  • 07/09/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed Global Bus Jobs section not displaying jobs list due to an internal error

  • 01/09/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added Data for Avg Bus Stop Count, Avg Distance KM, Avg Fuel Usage, Avg Bus Damage, Avg Passengers Transported Count to Bus Only Dashboard
    • Added Data for Avg Bus Stop Count, Avg Passengers Transported Count to Bus Only Monthly Personal Leaderboards
    • Added Data for Total Passengers Transported Count, Total Bus Stops Visited to Bus Only Lifetime Personal Leaderboards
    • Improved loading times of Truck/Bus Personal Leaderboard page loading
    • Improved loading times of Truck Global Leaderboard page loading

  • 26/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed some bus job data getting in to Personal & Global Leaderboards for Truck Only Jobs
    • Added the start of the Personal Leaderboards for Bus Only Jobs (Missing some data atm)
    • Added important note on step 1 of tracker software setup, to explain about needing to allow with some anti viruses software detecting false positives because the exe is not signed and is decompiling protected
    • Added FAQ question 'Why does MJR Tracker Client get detected as virus?' to Client Software General Section

  • 25/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added numbers to all questions of FAQ & support pages for easier reference ability for users
    • Removed 'Step 1' Prefixes to some of the answers on the FAQ page due to they are not needed as we dont provide step guides on the page, step by step guides is something that is offered on the support page
    • Added a 'How do i access the log files for MJR Tracker Client?' step by step guide to the questions to the support page
    • Added a 'How to access MJR Tracker?' questions to the FAQ page under the general section
    • Added a 'Does MJR Tracker work for both ETS 2 & ATS?' questions to the FAQ page under the general section
    • Added a 'Is MJR Tracker/MJR Statistics Tracker a VTC?' questions to the FAQ page under the general section
    • Added a 'Does MJR Tracker Support playing/using it on 'x'?' questions to the FAQ page under the general section

  • 22/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Updated Feature Compatibility table to the bottom of the homepage to have its own 'Discord Activity Rich Presence' for both Truck & Bus
    • Updated Feature Compatibility table to the bottom of the homepage with a better order for better user experience
    • Renamed existing Dashboard, Personal & Global Leaderboards pages to have prefix of Truck (As they will stay for only viewing Truck related jobs & Buses will have their own set of pages)
    • Tweaked some of the headers on the existing Dashboard, Personal & Global Leaderboards pages to include (Truck Only) for better user understanding
    • Added Bus Dashboard with fully support for viewing all 'Pending Bus Jobs' & 'Recently Completed Bus Jobs'
    • Added Placeholder stats number bubbles to Bus Dashboard for fulfilling with data later on
    • Added Placeholders to side nav bar for Bus Personal & Global Leaderboards. which will be added later
    • Added a tab system to Personal Jobs List page
    • Added a tab system to Global Jobs List page
    • Added a tab for all DBus Jobs tracked to Personal Jobs List page
    • Added a tab for all DBus Jobs tracked to Global Jobs List page
    • Updated 'Personal Jobs List' in sidebar to show 'All Personal Jobs List'
    • Updated 'Global Jobs List' in sidebar to show 'All Global Jobs List'
    • Some reordering of the side bar navbar to suit better user understanding
    • Added Client v1.0.7.0 to tracker page

  • 21/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added Updating Tracker guides using client & manual methods to Tracker Download/Install page
    • Added the start of a FAQ Page, you can find this in the top nav bar of any page on the site
    • Added DBus Job Tracking information to the FAQ Page, you will not be able to get DBus Support in till client v1.0.7 has been released!
    • Added DBus Job Viewing to the Per Job Viewing page, you will not be able to get DBus Support in till client v1.0.7 has been released!
    • Added a Feature Compatibility table to the bottom of the homepage to show what MJR Tracker client softwares supports at this current time
    • Added a 'TruckersMP Support', 'Ferry, Tolls, Train Tracking', 'Full Change Logs', and 'Steam Login/Authorization' cards to the 'Whats Included?' section on the homepage
    • Added a 'DBus Support' card to the 'Whats Included?' section on the homepage, ready for when the DBus Supports gets fully released to the public
    • Added information about where to find DBus Route/Client problems to support page

  • 19/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added the start of the Global Leaderboards page
    • Changed "Average KM Distance Per Day" title for Personal Monthly Leaderboards to "Total Distance KM Per Day" as this makes more sense for the end user
    • Changed "Average KM Distance Per Day" title for Global Monthly Leaderboards to "Total Distance KM Per Day" as this makes more sense for the end user

  • 17/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added Job Costs data to per job data viewing, this will include overall income of job, profit made, total ferry transport, total tollgates, total train transport, and total costs amounts
    • Moved income value to the new Job Costs section
    • Added Client v1.0.5.0 to tracker page
    • Added Client v1.0.6.0 to tracker page

  • 12/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Updated Privacy Policy to include TruckersMP ID, Current playing data such as Server, Session ID for Website/Backend section
    • Updated Privacy Policy to include Current playing data such as Server, Session ID for Client section

  • 11/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Changed "Amount of Jobs Per 24 Hours Timeframe" title for Personal Lifetime Leaderboards to "Amount of Jobs Per Hour" as this makes more sense for the end user
    • Added Chart/data for Amount of Jobs Per Game on the Personal Lifetime Leaderboards
    • Added ETS 2 & ATS Overall Avg Stats to the Personal Monthly Leaderboards
    • Fixed some layout issues with Personal Leaderboard page for smaller screen/mobile users

  • 09/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Updated & Added more preview images to the homepage
    • Fixed money symbol for all ETS 2 related currency values being shown as incorrect type, it will now show € before all ETS 2 related values to reflect the real currency type
    • Changed some of the data set names for the dashboard charts to reflect better meaning and understanding
    • Added Game value to Personal & Global Jobs Lists
    • Changed "Jobs Per Day" title for Personal Monthly Leaderboards to "Amount of Jobs Per Day" as this makes more sense for the end user
    • Tweaked the layout of Personal Lifetime Leaderboards Total bubble values
    • Added a placeholder for "Amount of Jobs Per Game" to the Personal Lifetime Leaderboards section

  • 03/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Updated Privacy Policy & Terms of Service to fix a few typos
    • Added Client v1.0.4.0 to tracker page

  • 02/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added ability to update the status of completed jobs (for deletion purposes)
    • Added ability to update the status of pending jobs (for deletion purposes)
    • Changed pending and completed jobs to show up grey on the dashboard, if marked for deletion
    • Added a hover text for View Job to say what the button does
    • Fixed top nav bar text not being centered within the button
    • Changed View button on dashboard for completed jobs to be green colour

  • 31/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed layout of the dashboard while on some mobile devices
    • Changed Dashboard to split the Lifetime Job Type Usage, Lifetime Cargo Usage, Top 10 Pickup Cities, Top 10 Dropoff Cities, Top 10 Company Used to show per game include of both games in one
    • Added per game avg stats values, to go along side the other split values

  • 28/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Personal Leaderboards page has been completed, and now public for everyone to view/use
    • Added data for Avg Fuel Usage on the dashboard
    • Added Client v1.0.3.0 to tracker page
    • Fixed invalid image tag causing Tracker install page not to work for regenerate login token button

  • 26/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Added Client v1.0.2.0 to tracker page

  • 21/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Improved the information about the platform on homepage
    • Changed title from MJR Tracker Hub to MJR Statistics Tracker Hub to better suit its use
    • Added Previews of Platform to homepage which contain 3 images of the main parts of the platform, clicking these images will enlarge them
    • Changed order of Global Analytics & Ready to Use within 3 Steps on homepage to suit a better flow of the page
    • Improved description & keyword metadata for site
    • Limited Used Fuel on Job Detail pages to a max of 4 decimal places
    • Added Personal Leaderboards page (Still working progress)

  • 19/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed Viewing login token code on certain screen sizes created a weird why where code isn't visible correctly
    • Added Client v1.0.1.0 to tracker page

  • 18/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Fixed a few typos & missing punctuation on homepage
    • Fixed missing punctuation in the footer disclaimer message
    • Added Client v1.0.0.0 to tracker page
    • Updated change log page for new releases
    • Changed order of change logs on change log pages

  • 17/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Initial Public Release

MJR Tracker Backend Future Updates:

MJR Tracker Backend Change Log:

30/04/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Added support for getting Job Events through a new endpoint for the front end website to use

06/11/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Added support for new Job Start/Speed Data data added in Tracker v1.0.9+
  • Backend code improvements and fixes
  • Fixed an issue adding a new job since last change for Tracker v1.0.9+ features

09/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Fixed an issue with posting job completed discord embed message when no speed values exist for a job for some reason

31/12/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Added support to filter Personal & Global Leaderboards by year as well as per month

29/12/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Updated Player Rank Leaderboards data to include users without any KM's recorded too
  • Added more data for truck & bus personal leaderboards

29/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Switched getting of the players closest city data(for the discord RPC information) obtaining to an internal caching system with data obtained from TMP map api, instead of using Trucky API's (Applies to all gameplay types)

02/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Fixed issue with Personal & Global Leaderboards having incorrect amount of days for month, for Jobs Per Day and KM Per Day graphs

21/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Added support for Tracking DBus Jobs (Currently in Closed Beta in till client v1.0.7 has been released)
  • Fixed Event Servers not being detected in game location data being sent to the client

17/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Added support for obtaining TMP Server, Session ID Data from TMP API to send to the client
  • Added support for obtaining Location data from Trucky API to send to the client

09/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Discord: Fixed money symbol for ETS 2 related Income in job completed embed, being shown as incorrect type. It will now show € before ETS 2 Income values to reflect the real currency type

02/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Discord: Changed game name in job completed embed to be a better user friendly version

17/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Initial Public Release

MJR Tracker Client Future Updates:

MJR Tracker Client Change Log:

v1.0.9 - 31/10/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Bus: Added Bus damage data to the Starting Bus Job payload so we can use in the future

  • Truck: Fixed an rare use case with jobs being incorrectly deleted, if game was restart after a new job was created but not cargo not loaded yet
  • Truck: Added Truck & Trailer damage data to the Starting Job payload so we can use in the future

  • Truck/Bus: Added Cargo Loaded Status to speed tracking payload, to help the backend decide what the speed tracking update applies too

  • Client: Added some improvements to the log outputs when plugins are needing to be installed, to help with debugging
  • Client: Fixed Plugin Updating window opening when a fresh install or missing game paths are detected
  • Client: Prevent allowing Installing or Updating of Plugins during ETS 2 or ATS being loaded
  • Client: Improved the log output for installing plugins process to help with debugging issues
  • Client: Upon start up of MJR Tracker check for missing dll files but valid paths & try to repair missing dlls silently if game is not currently running
  • Client: Added the ability via Plugin Install/Reinstall Window to forcefully reinstall plugins once plugins have been already installed
  • Client: Added plugin status indicators to the Plugin Install/Reinstall Window to help with seeing the status of all plugins
  • Client: Added Message box to the Deleting Plugins function either through Reinstalling of Plugins or Debug Window Delete Plugins Button
  • Client: Updated User-Agent for API calls to use MJRTracker/VERSION instead of the default one provided by the web request library
  • Client: Fixed install window opening twice when ATS & ETS 2 game paths or plugin folder in game paths no longer exist
  • Client: Fixed Plugin Install Window not updating paths even if plugins exists, this can happen if plugins are found when reinstalling Tracker software without prev config
  • Client: Fixed being able to delete plugins while game is active via Reinstall button on the install/reinstall plugins ui
  • Client: Added a button to the Debug Window for deleting Plugins for ETS 2 & ATS (Only available during Closed Beta versions)

v1.0.8 - 05/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Bus: Added local logic support for tracking passenger count after each stop, and support for returned line details from job started data

  • Discord: Fixed possible issue with trying to display job details in discord rich presence causing blank texts, when a past job fails to log as delivered
  • Bus/Discord: Improved discord rich presence for Bus related jobs to show a passenger count and next bus stop, as well as other Bus Route details

  • Truck: Possible fix for the rare issue where jobs would not complete at the end of the job ingame
  • Truck: Improved the rate of detecting all game/job events, which will help minimize missed logging of Completed & Cancelled jobs

  • Client: Removed "(Beta)" from notify icon in taskbar when hovering over icon
  • Client: Added ability to update Game Plugins (if detected to be different version) upon MJRTracker version being updated
  • Client: Updated Game Plugins for ETS 2 & ATS to v1.121.0
  • Client: Updated Client SDK for getting data from Game Plugins to v1.0.0.1
  • Client: Fixed 'Install of plugins' form window not closing upon action completed
  • Client: Fixed 'Install of plugins' form window sometimes opening twice when plugins are missing for both games
  • Client: Improved the detection of incorrect selected folders for game files paths when installing plugins
  • Client: Improved output logging of plugins being loaded to include md5 hash of the files for debugging/support purposes
  • Client: Improved all form windows to always be top most so its easier for users to notice them
  • Client: Fixed a rare crash for MJR Tracker that completely killed it upon loading Tracker software or starting of Tracker software upon loading in to windows
  • Client: Improved the location of the Current Job ID info on debug window (Only available during Closed Beta versions)
  • Client: Added MJRTracker icon to Debug window (Only available during Closed Beta versions)
  • Client: Removed not needed text box on debug window (Only available during Closed Beta versions)
  • Client: Added DLL & Telemetry Versions to debug window (Only available during Closed Beta versions)

v1.0.7 - 22/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Added error message output to log if multiple instances are started, will still close the new instance as normal
  • Improved error handling and catch more errors. This should help with random rare MJRTracker crashes.
  • Added ability for Errors to get sent straight to the Developers for debugging and fixing
  • Added full DBus Job Tracking Support (Including Tracking features such as Job/Bus Route Data, Game Data, Speed, Refueling, Ferry Transport, Train Transport, Tollgate passing) through the DBus Client, We only support TruckersMP DBus ability at this time
  • Add Bus support for Check Job Status system
  • Add Bus support to Discord Activity Presence Status
  • Updated some assembly/general information for the product exe
  • Fixed icon being missing from exe file
  • Improved the overall clearing of truck and bus job data when they finish or get cancelled, to minimize any rare possible use cases of things getting mixed up
  • Truck/Bus: Stop sending of refuel event api call when difference is 0, happens when reloading saves sometimes

v1.0.6 - 17/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Some Tweaks for the ingame data system for better error correction and handling
  • Fixed ingame data being requested from backend server when game is not loaded

v1.0.5 - 17/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Fixed a few weird instances where the fuel end event would get fired upon profile load
  • Fixed a bug in the speed data sending where the location Y coord was incorrect
  • Updated Discord Activity Presence System to show website url on large image text instead of version data
  • Updated Discord Activity Presence system to have a cleaner function internally
  • Added Tracking of Ferry, TollGate, Train events while on a job, for data tracking using these event's data
  • Added internal switching or alt Discord Activity Presence Status messages system for showing of different information
  • Added discord emojis to all the Discord Activity Status Presence messages
  • Added a system to obtain server name, session id for tmp from the backend server to show on the Discord Activity Presence as ALT Activity Status
  • Added a system to obtain ingame location from the backend server to show on the Discord Activity Presence as ALT Activity Status (Works on Single Player, TruckersMP, Convoy Mode | Though Promods areas on non TMP is not perfect)
  • Added location Z to the speed data sending payload
  • Added current client version to endpoint to server for checking for updates, for backend tracking of current version of a client
  • Added View Tracker Hub button the taskbar tray icon menu
  • Removed Beta from Version in the taskbar tray icon menu

v1.0.4 - 03/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Fixed an instance where cancelling a job, caused the next job that gets completed to be cancelled

v1.0.3 - 28/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Fixed weird use case with cancelling jobs detection getting triggered

v1.0.2 - 26/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Fixed known bug #2 of an issue when cancelling jobs back to back always failing to delete jobs
  • General improvements & fixes

v1.0.1 - 18/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Added log file, and added a bunch of error handling and logging messages for debugging
  • Added better valid session error handling for allowing user to retry or/and try entering a new login token
  • Fixed cancelling jobs always failing due to an invalid job id in the api request
  • Added Check server status, check job status and toggle discord presence to tray icon

v1.0.0 - 18/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • Initial Public Release